Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Fashionate Eye & New Year's

While I am here. Happy New Year! What's best about the new year? New things. I don't believe in the resolutions because you never follow through with them. Why do we even need resolutions? To feel good about ourselves? To feel a sense of accomplishment? I don't need that. I let things be the way they are suppose to be. Even if I get hurt along the way. You can't really stop things from happening. It will always have the outcome it was suppose to have in the first place. Another thing about the new year is everything that is NEW. New music, new books, new movies, new people, new friends, new loves, but also NEW FASHION. I am just filled with excitement about the new fashions coming up this year. I want to see what everyone is coming up with. But New Years isn't just about new things. It's also about the old things that change. CHANGE is the main thing about new things. Because you hear new music, you forget about the old music. When you read new books, you forget about the old ones. You meet  new people and make new friends. You may also lose friends and become more distant from others. You get new loves, but you don't forget about the old ones. The old fashion becomes "last year's" trends and the designers get new things. Some styles just become recycled or come back from previous eras.

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